Thursday, December 30, 2010

Boy Smacked Who Won't Turn Off Cell Phone

According to this CNN report, an Idaho man was arrested for slapping/hitting a teenager who refused to listen to crew member instructions about turning off his phone while a Southwest jet was taxing in Las Vegas, heading for Boise, ID.  According to the report, the man claimed to have smacked the boy with the back of his hand to get his attention, though it apparently left a mark on the boys shoulder.  The man is quoted to have said he "felt he was protecting the entire plane and its occupants."

So, the boy was certainly wrong for refusing to turn off his phone.  In fact, I was under the impression it was illegal to fail to comply with crewmember instructions.  And while I suspect the chances of a phone truly interfering with airliner operations/communications (I've seen it happen, and in fact once left my phone on the whole flight, which I forgot was still on), the negative impacts could be cataclismic for passengers and crew if it were to truly occur. 

But, did the man do the right thing?  Was this a worthy event to lay a hand upon another person, especially someone under the age of majority?  Depends on your perspective?  Protective parent?  Nope - wrong thing.  Absolutely unacceptable.  Passenger concerned about your personal welfare?  Tougher call...

In any event, I hope this event continues to get coverage.  I'd be interested in listening to flight experts debate the safety impacts of cellphone use during taxi, take-off, flight and landing.

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