Tuesday, August 6, 2013

We Are Not Special

The past 2 months have been a roller coaster ride. Ups, down, sideways, and never in the direction we expect. But one thing has emerged as a common theme, and it's not on the surface. We are not special in our fight against cancer.

Sure, my daughter has cancer. Yes, her prognosis is not assured to be positive. So, perhaps I have a right to be a little pitiful. Maybe it's my place to take some sympathy. Maybe...

But our situation is not unique. We are not the only family to be faced with a terrible diagnosis. We are not alone in our challenge of a dear loved member of our family being attacked by a disease we did not invite, infected for a reason we don't understand, with a future that is unsure. We are not special.

What's interesting to me is that countless times since this journey began I've been approached by people who, sometimes directly, sometimes with trepidation, share their personal story on cancer. Their mother had breast cancer and is a survivor. Their father was a relapse Hodgkin's lymphoma patient who lost their battle. Brothers, sisters, children. It goes on and on.

Yes, my child has cancer. No, her prognosis is not bright. And yes, I regret every statement I've made jokingly about having 3 kids so we have a spare. But we are not alone.

We have all, in some way, whether it appears large or small, whether it feels large or small, been affected by cancer in some way. Someone you know has had cancer. Maybe they beat it. Maybe they didn't. Either way, your life has been changed, altered, affected by cells that just don't know to stop.

I don't know why God allows cancer to be in our presence. I don't know why cancer is allowed to challenge the happiness of our lives. But I know that it is all too common. I know that it is all too painful. And I know, that we are not special.

And, truthfully, I wish we were.


  1. I hear you. It's like "why is this happening to me/us? what did we do or not do to deserve this?" and of course no answer exists. But you are special. You are special to all of us b/c we know you all and love you all. And your story touches us. So maybe not special in the way that you get a "hall pass" on the cancer. But you are all loved and I have to believe there is something special about that. Thank you for sharing your lives with us.

  2. Oh you are special. Each and everyone of the little ones are special in God's eyes that are in this battle. Harper looked great yesterday by the way. Much more talkative. :-)

  3. The fact that you share and are so o o o... open with the feelings you have shows how special you are!!! You do not realize how much you help the people who read the things you and Melissa write. I have been facing this battle for over 3 years....to the point that I have gotten staid and accepting. Instead of truly fighting. Your blogs,hope,fear and yes even your pain. Has made me realize that to just accept the diagnosis' and quit participating in my recovery is allowing cancer to win.!!!!! So, I thank-you and continue to pray for you. But, most of all I will again participate in the care that my physicians have set before me.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing. I am humbled by what you have said. I wish you success and victory in your treatment!
