Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Physio-Electric Power Plant

After a day at Niagara Falls, it has become apparent to me that, while electricity is generated at Niagara Falls, it is not hydro-electric power, but physio-electric power. While the amount of energy contained within flowing water is substantial, the amount of energy released by tourists in the area is of a higher level of magnitude. I believe they extract it from you as you"tour."

I'm beat.

We began the day at the campground in Pennsylvania, on Lake Erie. Nice spot, really, and for $43 a night for a lake-front full hook up, a very good deal. I was up at the crack of dawn, and it took a couple hours for the rest of the brood to burrow out from under their blankets.

Coffee in our $9.24 Target coffee maker was passable. Not as good as Alan's at the farm, but better than the percolating pots we used to use camping. I love electrified campsites - if for no other reason than to have decent coffee in the morning.

We did a quick visit to the playground (3 swings and a slide), and then started to pack up to head out. That weather forecast that predicted dry weather? They were apparently smoking something of the fungicide family. It rained on us the whole time we were putting things away.

Finally on the road around 10:30, and we made decent time to Grand Island. We're staying at the Grand Island, NY KOA. We didn't get a premium spot, though. Next time I'm thinking we splurge. We're parked directly next to someone, and while it's ok, it would be nicer to have more room.

We set the camper in park (put down the jacks, put in the tire chock, hooked up water, electric and sewer) and then went to get some lunch. Harper needed it. You can always tell when Harper is hungry - because she becomes even MORE unreasonable.

We found a hot-dog shop. Now, I'm not the biggest fan of hot dogs, but we were just looking for something quick, relatively inexpensive, and nearby. Name was Theodore's Red Hots. It was very good. I had a foot long with chili, cheese and pickles. Finley had fries.

From there, we headed to Niagara Falls, and the extraction of energy began. It took some time to find a place to park. The nearby parking was full, so we ended up a few blocks away. Then we fought our way to where I THOUGHT we could buy Maid of the Mist tickets, only to find out that THAT spot only sells package deals at $70 a person. No thanks.

Found the Maid of the Mist ticket counter, and we were in luck. The ride on the Maid of the Mist was a blast. The girls loved it, and were pretty soaked, despite the ponchos. We took lots of pics, but they are on Melissa's camera. The iPad (thankfully) stayed dry in Melissa's purse under her poncho.

After the Maid, we did the "crows nest" that is right nearby there. You disembark from the Maid (USA side) and then walk towards the American Falls. You can then climb concrete steps into the mist. Well, let's call it a drenching.

So, now we're twice wet, and we started towards the Cave of the Winds area. Harper really wanted to go. We walked, and walked, and walked, and then we rested, before we walked, and walked some more. Finally arriving, we doled out nearly as much for the Cave as we did for the Maid.

One thing I will say for the Cave. You get some pretty nice shower shoes. One thing I can't say for the Cave - It's a Cave. Because it's not. It's a bunch of decks. Granted, you get pretty wet (with "free" water, by the way), but there is no cave. And this is not explained until a sign at the END of the walk. Apparently the cave collapsed in 1920. Hungry Harper (we're hours since our last meal by now) is not pleased. And since she can't see the cave (that no longer exists) she wants to go through AGAIN.

The promise of food finally draws her away from the (non)Cave (which has a TON of baby seagulls nesting on that rocky hillside, BTW) and we walk some more. TGI Fridays is seen in the distance (notice distance - not close) and we're off walking again.

Dinner was good. Children were crazy. Beer was needed and was ingested.

Back to the camper. Sleep is near (I hope). Another day down. And you can thank me for the electricity you are expending reading this post.

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