Thursday, July 25, 2013

On The Outside

From the outside, Harper looks so different. Not just from before all this started - but even since we left the hospital. Her hair is gone now (obviously), but her face has lost its grimace - and its been replaced by an almost constant smile. It's like someone just turned the world upside down from just a few weeks ago. Another round of chemo is underway. Essentially, the part we think of as chemo (IV drips, monitoring, at the hospital or in the clinic) is really already done. Harper spent most of the last 2 days in the hospital, getting prepped for chemo, receiving chemo, and then getting fluids after. She only had to spend 1 night in the hospital, which we were prepared for 2. Bonus! Next week, on Thursday, she'll get another dose of vincristine - just a simple "push" which is then just flushed after with saline. No fluids. No time in the clinic or the hospital, other than the actual pushing of the plunger on the syringe. This "round" of chemo is much easier on Harper than the previous few. The last few have been 6 hours of infused fluids and chemo drugs each day for 4 days in a row. This is 1 big day, followed by 2 other tiny days, a week apart. Honestly, much preferred. Now, we wait. We wait for the next round of CT scans. They'll probably be the week after next. Then the "tumor board" will review her case again - and we'll get more insight. We'll find out if her tumors are continuing to shrink. We'll get the low down on the tumors in her liver, which were not shrinking before. We'll get a better idea on surgery to remove the kidney. I'm worried on the tumors continuing to improve. Based upon Harper's demeanor, and how far her mood has come, we hope that the overall condition is continuing to improve as well - but we don't know. She's been eating like a hungry, hungry hippo - but is that reason her abdomen looks bigger? Is she getting a little belly on her from extra calories? Or is it something else. Time will tell. We went for a walk around the neighborhood tonight. She made it all the way around. She then stayed outside with us, as we pulled crabgrass out of the yard. She whined at the end, but only because she wanted to go inside and take bath. Just days ago, she fought us on the idea of a bath - now she's asking for one. The turnaround continues - and we hope it is not just happening on the outside.

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