Friday, October 15, 2010

US v France - They Win

Alright - so generally I'll complain about the American public's perpetual sense of entitlement.  I even today posted about Social Security.  But, despite the best efforts to capture the crown, we have been overcome, I believe, by a group of people who are currently demonstrating a level of entitlement-think even beyond our own...  and it's happening in France.

For 3 straight days this week, the French have been in the street protesting French President Nicolas Sarkozy's plan to increase the retirement age from 60 to 62.  Apparently this has induced many in France, including HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS to protest in the streets. 

Interesting to note, is that these are HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS!  It would stand to reason that they are the farthest from retirement age, and have yet to really meaningfully contribute to the country's financial and social systems, but apparently they still feel as though they are entitled to a retirement at age 60.  That's 40 years away...  What's another 2 years?

I'm not even sure I'll be done paying for weddings and college for my three daughters by the time I'm in my 60's, and, as I posted earlier today, I'm not even planning on having ANY $ coming from Social Security.

Sorry - having a really hard time feeling sorry for you, my little French friends.  Buck up.  Get a job.  Contribute.  Take a few less holidays, and then maybe we can talk.  Until then, go sit down in your geometry class and shut up.

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