First, even though we're in the ICU, it could certainly be worse. On one side of us, in what appears to be a semi-permanent room, a boy, a few years older than Harper, sits, strapped into his bed, with braces all around his body and IV tubing everywhere. He may be paralyzed, or neurologically damaged. Harper, while drowsy and droopy from the BP meds, is alert, has full function of her body, and has even smiled a little today (when her school principle visited of all things :) ).
Second, the little girl on the other side of us in the ICU was in surgery most of the day (more than 8 hours), and returned back with a haggard looking family in tow and a head with rolled gauze that replaced the hair she left with. I imagine she underwent brain surgery. I have no idea her likelihood of a full recovery from whatever it is they were treating. Her family left just before 9pm, to try to reach the Ronald McDonald House in time to get a room for the night. We, on the other hand (at least the foreseeable future) have nothing quite so radical or invasive to fear, and we have been surrounded by an outpouring of love from family and friends from near and far. And, we have the opportunity to go home and get a shower and a brain break (and an emotional rest) in our home. What a blessing.
We have such wonderful and giving friends and family, who have already mobilized to provide meals, offer assistance at a moments notice, and just be available to talk. We have an incredible children's hospital that has been so warm, welcoming, and full of support since we arrived. We are so blessed, and we want to help make sure that others get the chance to receive blessings as well.
So, we have established a fundraising page, in Harper's honor (The Incredible Harps - credit to Tim Beam for that one) that benefits the Children's Hospital Foundation (supporting Kosair Children's Hospital). While we so appreciate any and all gifts to Harper to make her comfortable and entertained during this time, we also would appreciate any donation to the hospital that is hosting Harper's recovery journey.
Click Here to donate.

Thank you for everyone's love, support, prayers and encouragement.
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