Thursday, May 23, 2013

Headed Home

This morning we got the INCREDIBLE news that we get to go home!

Harper has done so well over the past 24 hours. She has eaten so much better - lots of little bites, including:
- sausage
- pancake
- Ensure
- Ice cream
- yogurt
- pickle
- soup
- milk
- Capri sun
- Chik-fil-A chicken strip
- mandarin orange
- apple
- goldfish crackers
- sushi

Her albumin is up again!

Also, she went to the family area at least 3 times yesterday. And, she's getting herself out of bed on her own, and going to the restroom on her own. It's wonderful!!!

She's been a little more anxious this morning, as we've been trying to get her off the Ativan. We did ask about potentially going home with a script, but the doctor wants to see how she does once she's home.

They will give her another dose of vincristine before we go. Which concerns me, because she had a lot of leg pain after the last dose. That could make tonight a little challenging.

Next week she'll need a blood test (to check her blood counts) and another dose of chemo. We'll be backdown to the clinic on Thursday for the chemo. But, if she doesn't develop a fever or have anything strange happen, we should be home for a whole week!!!

It feels so good to be headed home!!!!


  1. So happy to hear you are getting to go home with your sweet girl! It's looking up alittle for you guys and that's wonderful!!

  2. Delighted! Thanks for sharing! This is wonderful news.

  3. so happy, way to go Harper!! keep eating and drinking!
    Kim L.

    1. I am so glad you all get to go home! Hug all 4 of your girls for me! Love you susan

    2. Yeah Harper!!! Good job. Keep it up. So good to hear the whole family will be together tonight. Enjoy! Hugs & kisses all around. XOXOX A. Cindy
