Today we've been discussing how much clothing to take. Its a foregone conclusion that we'll need to do laundry at some points, just a question of how much. The girls (especially Finley and Harper) tend to go through a lot of clothing if allowed. Now, we could take 2.5 weeks worth of clothing...

but I think we're looking at maybe a week's worth of clothes. Part of the reasoning is I'm not sure Melissa and I have much more than that (if we even have a week) in our wardrobes. Finley (being the youngest of three sisters) has what amounts to likely several months... With a week's worth we can stop and do laundry when convenient during each week. Smaller loads will be easier to deal with anyway.

Of course the most challenging thing I expect will be my patience with the girls while we're driving. The constant bickering, mixed with little girl screeches will be a true test for me personally. Distraction will be our number one weapon in that battle. Melissa has a list of games and activities she's been amassing... Let's hope they work.

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