Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Let's get rotten luck out of the way

I'm hoping for good luck on our rather lengthy camping vacation. We don't need mechanical problems, overly hot, cold, or wet weather, poor navigation, road construction, etc... Of course it's inevitable that something will go wrong, but minor is better.

A few weeks ago, we finally bit the bullet and got Melissa some new tires. We'd put about 50k miles on her vehicle since we bought it at CarMax, and so her tires were pretty worn. There was slippage on wet roads and lots of squeaking on recently topped pavement. Finally one of them started to leak air - so we knew it was time.

It took me 3 stops to find a tire place with the right size (you wouldn't think that tires for a Ford Expedition would be hard to locate) - Sears didn't have them. Neither did Raben Tire. Finally found them at Ken Towery, and they only had 1 set (Cooper). Almost $1,000 later, I was headed home with 4 new tires and an alignment.

Today, flat tire. Come to find out there was a nail in the interior side wall of the passenger rear tire. And guess who DIDN'T buy the road hazard coverage for the new tires.... Uggh. Tire ruined - no plugging a hole in the side wall. So, another tire to buy...

Well, now we have road hazard on all of them, AND, instead of a buy 3, get the 4th free deal (which I DIDN'T get before) we are now sitting at a buy 5, get 4 tires deal. Plus, I've bought the road hazard (another $80).

Lets hope by buying the extra and insurance on those tires, I've satisfied our share of bad luck for awhile, and we can avoid any major issues on the road over the next 2.5 weeks. I guess we'll see.

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